Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Model Search

Worldwide search for male and female models, to be on the cover of our magazine, featured in our web site and for promotional assignments.

If you are an aspiring model seeking ways to increase your exposure, this would be a great incentive for you.

Models can be in any of the following categories and/or divisions: plus, petite, fashion, print, glamour, sophisticated, fitness or swimwear.


Qualified candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be 18 or 21, whatever the legal age is for your state or providence.
  • Photos submitted to us must be of good quality, with only you in the photo and in .jpg or .jpeg format only!
  • Participants must be willing to have an interview with one of our reporters and to possibly be the host of an online chat or offline event.
  • Models will be judged by our ICE Media Staff based on their photos submitted.

Tell your friends to support you by voting for you. Voting will help you get noticed by our judges.

How does it work? Models must submit their photos for approval. Send us 2 professional looking photos sent in email. One photo must be a head shot and the second photo needs to be a full body shot.

**Rules for Photos: ** DO NOT SEND NUDE PHOTOS.  Do not send photos with signatures or writing of any kind. Only send photos that you own the rights to. Photographer rights in the bottom corner of the photo are ALLOWED.

Without your photos, we will not be able to determine if we can use you. If we like your look, you may be required to send additional photos. Please choose your most stunning work because you will be judged based on your photo submission.

Once photos have been reviewed and approved, photos will be posted on our site for online voting by your peers.


Your incentive is additional exposure and free advertisement which could lead to paying assignments. We are always looking for models not only for our own productions, but we also book models for our clients. Clients will see models in our magazine, on our web site, in our productions and make special requests for these models.

Top 25 will be showcased on our site and the finalist will be on the cover of our magazine. 

**Model Search Categories:**

Cover Model (Females - USA, UK, Canada Only)

Calendar Girls (USA Only)

ICE Media Glamour (Females-International)

 ICE Media Hunks (Males - International)

Fill out the form below or send and email to model@ilenecarol.com. Send to us in email your 2 photos for review. Once reviewed and approved, you will get an email from one of our representatives with additional instructions.

You must be connected to us on Twitter: @ilenecarol | Facebook: ilenecarolonline

2012 Monthly Checklist

 "Be in charge of your own destiny."

Our theme for 2012 is to be in charge of your own destiny. What is your resolve for the new year? What changes would you like to make in your life? Our staff has made the resolve for the year of 2012 to bring to you content that will help you get to where you want to be.

Figure out where you want to be and then start planning and mapping out your destination to get there. You may not have the time to research what avenues are available, but our team does. Our team is investing the time in YOU to find content offering the best possible solutions. Why? Because we want the exact same things as you - financial security, time with our family and friends and quality of life!If you need help mapping out your life, business, or  talent course - go to our company site and find a solution right for you.

How do you plan to reinvent the new you?

Post a comment below and tell us about your goals and what resources you have found helpful to charge of your own destiny. We have also created a month to month report card checklist to help you have a successful and productive year. Each moth will focus on a different topic to help you reinvent the new you.  Email us at ice@ilenecarol.com with the Subject: Reinvent the new you. Tell us your story!


Out with 2011! Move forward with 2012!

Monthly Checklist

**January -- Financial Wellness**

The SMART Way to Make Financial New Year's Resolutions

If your resolutions this year address money matters like savings, spending and credit use, you can improve your chances of success by making ”SMART” promises to yourself. Here are a few ideas for applying self-improvement principles to your financial resolutions. Read more....

Living Credit Smart in Tough Financial Times

Amid uncertain economic times, the state of consumers' credit and debt management is often referenced as an indication of Americans' overall financial well-being. Credit scores enable lenders to evaluate the level of risk involved in extending credit to a consumer and they can affect everything from your ability to open a credit card to determining your rates when buying a home or car. As our nation struggles to regain its footing in a recession, establishing good credit has never been more important than it is today. Read more....


**February -- Your Relationships**

Dating Safety: Don't let them steal more than your heart

When your grandparents started dating, chances are they knew each other already or had mutual friends. In those days, a blind date - going out with someone you hadn't met or knew nothing about - was a rarity. Today, with the boom in online dating, going on first dates with strangers is commonplace, while dating a friend seems like the "old-fashioned" approach. Read more...

**March -- Career Review**

Looking for a career change?

When you evaluate your current situation and set goals for the future, do career goals top the list? If so it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Why not make 2012 the year you get your new career underway?  Read more.... 

**April -- Focus on Fitness**

Maximize Your Fitness Efforts

Your health is always a priority, and making sure you exercise regularly is your goal. Because life is busy, you want to get the most out of any time you dedicate to getting in shape. So how can you maximize your efforts? Read more...

**May -- Get Involved**

Find a Cause You Are Passionate About

Find a charity you are passionate about, help someone in need. Here is this month's charity focus:
May is ALS Awareness Month and we have 31 ways YOU can help take a stand against ALS.
Every 90 minutes someone is diagnosed with ALS and every 90 minutes another person loses their battle with Lou Gehrig's Disease.
It's Easy! Visit our website and fight ALS every single day in May.
START HERE: ALS Monthly Calendar

**June -- Healthy Lifestyle**

Four Steps to a Healthier You

The growing obesity rates in the United States have companies, health care workers and even the government discussing concerns about the physical and mental health effects and costs associated with weight gain. According to a recent estimate, by 2030 - in less than 20 years - 65 million more American adults may be obese. Read more...

Next issue..... Home Front

Dating Success

The Secrets to Successful Dating: Know yourself first.

Do you really need studies and statistics to convince you that you want to be in love? Probably not. It's no surprise that research supports what you likely already know - that people in happy, committed relationships, on average, live longer, healthier, more fulfilling lives than their unattached peers.

Even if you dated through high school and college, entering the dating world as a single, independent adult can be daunting. The rules and objectives seem to change when you're out in the working world. Instead of just having fun, your dating priorities may shift toward finding that special someone whom you'll want to be with long-term.

When it comes to dating, knowing who you are and what you have to offer another person is every bit as important as knowing what you want. Here are some tips for learning about yourself, and how to parlay that self-knowledge into positive dating experiences.

Build your confidence

Self-assurance is communicated in so many ways. Whether it's the willingness to take the next step in a relationship or simply knowing what you want to order for that romantic meal together, confidence is appealing on many levels. Take steps to build your self-confidence in your daily life, and it will spread to your dating life. Simple things like dressing neatly and well, standing and sitting tall, and even knowing your credit can help you feel more confident about yourself and what you have to offer another person.

Know your own value

Think about what you expect from the person you want to date. Do you want someone who takes care of him or herself emotionally and physically? Someone who is financially stable? Do you match that image? Take stock of what you have to offer another person, and consider every aspect of your life that could affect a long-term relationship. Consider your diet and exercise habits. Are they the kind that will help you live a healthy, long life? Check your credit on a site like freecreditscore.com. Do you manage your credit well or are financial problems something you - and a potential partner - will have to deal with in the future?

Keep it real

It's important to be honest with others in all your relationships, but it's even more important that you're honest with yourself. If your self-assessment uncovers things you don't like about who you are or where your life is going, you need to acknowledge and address those things. Ignoring issues will not make them go away. Just as an untreated wound can turn infected, character issues or life situations that you don't like will only worsen over time if you don't take steps to deal with them.

Face your fears and challenges head on

Nelson Mandela once said the brave person is not someone who feels no fear, but someone who conquers that fear. Knowing your greatest fears and being able to face them is an important part of knowing yourself. It's not always easy to get to the root of your fears; you may even think you have none. The truth is, everyone has a worst-case scenario they hope never happens, whether it's losing their job, facing a life-threatening illness, or even never finding that special someone. The useful part of knowing what you're afraid of is that you can take steps toward preventing it from happening, or toward being prepared in case it ever does. --(ARA)

Extended Hugs

Friendship and Community 

 Extended Hugs, is about friendship and community and will feature a charity every month. We connect you to the doing of good, helping others and being a source of inspiration. Extended Hugs was created to help you discover new ways to give back and get involved. It's not just about making a donation, you could help a child learn to read, volunteer your time at an event, be a voice for others and spread the word about causes that catch your attention. 

 We don’t profit from the charities we feature, or from the donations you make. This site is our small way to support all the good in the world, with the hope of inspiring others to do the same. We hope that you visit every day to get your daily dose of good. 

 If you know of anyone involved in their community or if you are involved in a non-profit organization, please contact us. Become a do-gooder at ExtendedHugs.com.

Credit Smart

Living Credit Smart in Tough Financial Times

Amid uncertain economic times, the state of consumers' credit and debt management is often referenced as an indication of Americans' overall financial well-being. Credit scores enable lenders to evaluate the level of risk involved in extending credit to a consumer and they can affect everything from your ability to open a credit card to determining your rates when buying a home or car. As our nation struggles to regain its footing in a recession, establishing good credit has never been more important than it is today.

Experian, the leading global services information company, conducted a second annual assessment of credit scores in cities across the country and found that many cities have improved their scores since last year - albeit by small margins. With the average U.S. credit score at 749, or a "C" rating based on the VantageScore 501-990 scoring range, many consumers are taking small steps toward improving their economic situation, but there is still a great deal of room for improvement.

Maxine Sweet, vice president of public education at Experian, the leading global services information company, offers some tips to help consumers take proactive steps to help improve their credit and make smarter financial choices.

Check your credit score and report so you have a benchmark for improvement.
Credit scores translate the information in your credit report into a simple number. Check your credit report and purchase a credit score so you understand the baseline of where you stand and how your credit may have been affected by recent life events.

Understand the financial behaviors that influence the information contained in your credit report.
While it is important to know where your credit scores fall in the range of risk for lenders, the most important things to understand are the factors in your credit report that determine that risk. Once you understand the way your credit report is affected by your financial behaviors, you will be able to take the necessary steps to improve your credit history and subsequently improve your scores.

Pay your bills on time.
Paying your bills on time is the single most important contributor to good credit. Late payments negatively affect your ability to get credit since they indicate a stronger likelihood that you will make late payments again or will be unable to pay your debts in the future. Even if the debt you owe is a small amount, it is crucial that you make payments on time.

Keep balances low on credit cards and other revolving credit.
If you max out your credit card or charge balances that are very close to your limit, you will increase your "balance to limit ratio," or utilization ratio. A high utilization ratio may indicate that you are tempted to charge more than you can pay and therefore, negatively affect your credit score.

Remember there is no overnight fix for a low credit score.
A credit score reflects credit payment patterns over time, with more emphasis on recent information. The fastest way to see an improvement in your score is to catch up on late payments and pay down your debts. If you have negative information on your credit report, time is your ally in improving your credit score.

Understanding how your financial behaviors influence your credit score will allow you to make more informed financial decisions and, ultimately, improve your financial future. To learn more about building and maintaining a strong credit history visit LiveCreditSmart.com. -- (ARA)

Start A Business

Starting A Business Checklist
The CorpNet.com "How to Start a Business Checklist" is a FREE Guide written by Business Attorneys at Corpnet.com. Please feel free to link to this page or distribute this startup guide to any small business owner or entrepreneur that may be starting a business. This guide addresses the following business issues:

  • Naming Your Business
  • Protecting Your Business
  • Developing a Written Business Plan
  • Obtaining Office, Retail or Manufacturing Space, Furniture,
  • Building Your Outside Team: Finding the Right Help
  • Building Your Inside Team: Hiring Employees
  • Education Yourself on Laws and Regulations affecting Employers
  • Obtaining Business Licenses and Permits
  • Getting a Tax ID Number
  • Buying Business Insurance
  • Opening a Bank Account
  • Arranging Financing
  • Keeping Your Entity in Corporate Compliance
  • Setting up a Proper Record keeping and Financial Management
  • Preparing a Marketing Plan and Materials

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Career Change

Is this the year you change your career?

When you evaluate your current situation and set goals for the future, do career goals top the list? If so it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Why not make 2012 the year you get your new career underway?

If you were planning on scouring the want ads, you may have to adjust your thinking. "If you see an ad for a position posted, it's almost too late," says Becky Bates, director of career services at The Art Institutes International Minnesota. Bates suggests you tap into the "hidden job market" and get to that position before it's posted. That means networking.

"Let anyone and everyone know you're looking for a position," advises Heidi Nolta, assistant director of career services at The Illinois Institute of Art - Schaumburg. "Even if it's your Aunt Sally, you have no idea who knows whom, so don't be afraid to ask your friends and family."

"Go to networking functions that cater to your field and go alone, because you won't be able to hide behind your friends," adds Grace Shurley, career services advisor at The Art Institute of Las Vegas. Shurley suggests you stand or sit in the middle of the room and get out of your comfort zone, because you're not likely to make new contacts within it. Nolta advises you to volunteer at those events, checking people in; it guarantees you'll meet almost everyone who walks through the door. "Your goal should be to get a two-inch stack of business cards," says Shirley.

Make sure to have business cards wherever you go. If you don't currently have a job, have a simple business card made with your name, profession and contact information, says Shurley. And while you're at it, make sure your LinkedIn profile is current and start Tweeting, suggests Nolta. "Follow the companies and industries you are interested in so you can get the latest information about them."
If you're not employed, be willing to take something that may not be an ideal fit but gets you out there, advises Shurley. "And don't be afraid to start at the bottom if you're launching a new career; that entry-level job can open up a lot of opportunities," she adds.

Whether you're employed or not, make sure you're updating your skills, says Bates. If new software is introduced in your industry, learn that software. Find workshops and tutorials that can help. Nolta cautions that potential employers could test you on new software to make sure that you're up to speed.
"A job seeker is self-employed and the biggest mistake you can make is not holding yourself accountable," says Bates. She suggests you make a strategic plan and map out activities for every day of the week, whether it's a job fair, sending out resumes, researching a company or calling potential employers. "Job seekers should consider getting that job, a job in itself." --(ARA)